At Colearn Academy, we believe in providing accessible and high-quality education to all students, including support families utilizing Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Account. We realize that navigating the ESA can be time consuming and complicated. At Colearn, we are here to support you and provide you the resources you need to successfully utilize your student's ESA funds.
We have several options for students who wish to join Colearn Academy with their ESA funds.
Colearn Academy Full-Tuition
What is included?
- Full access to all curriculum, virtual live lessons, and virtual clubs
- Monthly Field trips
- Certified Teachers to provide support not only your student but the parent
- Accredited K-12 school
- Transcripts and Academic Advising
- College and Career Planning
- Dual Enrollment Options Available
What is the cost?
- $399/month (August - May)
- Invoiced quarterly to submit to ClassWallet
- Invoices go out July 15, October 15, January 15, and April 15
- Quarterly invoices are prorated based on date of enrollment
Colearn Academy Club
What's included?
- Access to all virtual clubs
- Monthly Field Trips
What is the cost?
- $99/month (August - May)
- Invoiced quarterly to submit to Classwallet
- Invoices go out July 15, October 15, January 15, and April 15
- Quarterly invoices are prorated based on date of enrollment
Summer School Tuition
- Summer school tuition for up to two courses is $500.
- Teacher support and curriculum in June and July.